ARCHIBUS is the facilities management system used at UQ.

Request access to ARCHIBUS

To request access:

  1. Complete the PF397 ARCHIBUS access request form (DOCX, 53.9 KB).
  2. Where required, obtain signed approval from Head of School or equivalent.
  3. Scan and email the completed form to

Once we have received your completed form, your application will be processed within 3 working days. We will email you when this is finalised.

Contact ARCHIBUS Technical Support for more information.

See the training and user guides.

Log in to ARCHIBUS

Nominated users

Nominated users are UQ staff who have been nominated by their organisation unit as the central point within their area to manage the relevant module in ARCHIBUS.

See the list of nominated users in your area (staff login required) (PDF, 1 MB)


If you have technical or access problems, contact ARCHIBUS Technical Support.

ServiceFM module

This module manages maintenance work requests and other services, including cleaning, pest control, waste and furniture.

Nominated users can:

  • log all service requests for an organisational unit
  • approve user-funded service requests
  • act as the organisational unit communication point for service requests.

Space inventory module

This module manages UQ's capability in:

  • space management
  • reporting
  • utilisation of assets
  • space allocations.


  • Space editors: staff who have been identified by their organisational unit to take part in the annual space audit and update the space system with any changes to their area's space
  • Space viewers: staff required to view UQ floor plans and space data.

To make space requests, faculties and schools should contact Requests should include:

  • size
  • duration
  • general location
  • proposed activity details.

Fleet module

This module assists Property and Facilities with managing UQ's fleet vehicle information.

  • Fleet editors: staff who have been nominated by their organisational unit as needing to update and view fleet information.

Real estate module

This module manages UQ’s property portfolio, including:

  • real property descriptions
  • details of all leased property either as the lessor or a lessee
  • commercial and contractual agreements.

People and occupancy module

This module:

  • manages assigning people to work space
  • provides UQ with a tool to better understand space occupancy utilisation rates.

The system can:

  • assign people to a workstation
  • set room capacity levels
  • accurately measure utilisation of space
  • quickly identify vacancies for future needs
  • provide reporting to inform space allocation decisions by the senior management and other space controllers.

Emergency contacts module

This module is a register of staff who will be contacted by security in the event of an after-hours emergency.

Each organisational unit has a nominated person to manage the emergency contacts for the space occupied by that unit. These users are the central point to update the emergency contact data.

Emergency warden database module

This module allows the Chief and Deputy building wardens to list the floor wardens currently active within their building. The module provides information on:

  • compliance audits
  • surveys
  • emergency plans
  • diagrams.


  • Chief and Deputy wardens
  • Safety wardens: staff who require an overview of emergency building information for the buildings occupied by their organisational unit. These are normally Health, Safety and Wellness staff or school managers.

Hazardous rooms module

This module provides staff with information on:

  • what hazards are present in a facility
  • if there are conditions of entry
  • if there are any entry restrictions or room certifications.

Rooms identified as restricted entry or no entry are removed from trade staff access control regularly. These entry restrictions are also identified on the service request.

This module is generally accessed by lab managers or staff with infrastructure responsibilities.

Asbestos register module

This module lists all identified or assumed asbestos in the workplace. The data is managed by the P&F Health and Safety Coordinator.

UQ staff can access the asbestos register without an ARCHIBUS login.

As-built technical drawings module

This module is a register of building technical drawings and documents. There are approximately 65,000 archived PDF documents with drawings dating back over 100 years.

This module allows facilities management staff to quickly search for specific types of data, such as mechanical ventilation layout diagrams.