Inviting dignitaries
Get in touch with the relevant UQ team when you're planning an event or activity involving an Australian or overseas dignitary.
University and other dignitaries
Contact the UQ Events Team via when you're planning an activity involving:
- Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors of Australian universities (including UQ)
- Chief Justice of Australia and Justices of The High Court of Australia (current and former)
- Chief Justices and Justices of The Supreme Court (current and former)
- prominent UQ alumni and donors.
Local, state and federal government
Contact Government Partnerships and Policy via when you're planning an activity involving the following dignitaries:
- Australian and State Chief Entrepreneurs
- Australian and State Chief Scientists
- Councillors
- Governor-General (Vice-Regal) (current and former)
- Governors of all States (Vice-Regal) (current and former)
- Head of State/Government and Prime Ministers of Australia (current and former)
- Leaders of the Opposition - Federal and State (MP) (current and former)
- Mayors of Cities and Towns (current and former)
- Members of Parliament - Federal and State (MP) (current and former)
- Premiers of Australian States and Chief Minister of Territories in Australia (current and former)
- Mayors of Local Councils
- Senior Military Officers (Army, Air Force and Navy)
- Senior Public Servants (Deputy Directors-General and above).
International guests
Contact Global Partnerships via for information on engaging with the following dignitaries:
- Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors of international universities and colleges
- Diplomats (e.g. Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Chargé d’Affaires, Consul Generals and Honorary Consuls)
- Heads of international organisations
- International Heads of State/Government
- Royalty (Regal).