Weather event update: UQ remains closed and all teaching paused for the week

1 Mar 2022

Dear Staff,

I am writing to let you know that UQ locations in South East Queensland (SEQ) will remain closed today and Wednesday 2 March. We may be able to reopen some essential areas and facilities later in the week but it is still too early to make that call.

However, we have agreed that there will no teaching this week and staff should continue to work from home for the rest of the week.

The extreme weather has not only impacted our staff and students, but also our families, friends and our communities. Closing for these few days will allow time for the floodwaters to recede and for the clean-up of our homes, neighbourhoods and UQ to continue.

Restricted access

Unless you are an authorised staff member, emergency services or residing on campus you must not attend UQ locations in SEQ. This is for your safety and the safety of others working to restore our sites and facilities.

There are still areas of St Lucia (Glasshouse Road) and parts of the Gatton campus where floodwaters will remain high and are absolute no-go areas.

Teaching paused for the week

The decision to pause all teaching for the week includes online and in-person teaching, and all assessment. It is critical that we adhere to this direction, as many of our staff and students who have been impacted by the floods are still without power or a place to live.

Week 2 teaching will now commence on Monday 7 March – meaning that teaching for semester one will end on 3 June 2022. Electronic Course Profiles (ECPs) will remain open until at least 14 March.

As a result, we will need to make some amendments to the academic calendar for the semester. These will be worked through over the coming week or so and updates provided in due course.

Where possible, placements will continue, and I know faculties are continuing to work directly with students and placement providers.

Staff working arrangements

As mentioned, staff should continue to work remotely for the rest of the week.

I know some staff are still without power, are starting the clean-up of their homes or are supporting family and friends who have been impacted. If you are unable to work this week, you don’t need to book personal leave. However, I would ask that you please let your supervisor/manager know.

Casual staff who were rostered to work this week will be paid for those hours.

I also know that some staff support our emergency services. Where operationally possible, these staff can apply for community service leave.

Supporting students

We are continuing to support our students to find temporary accommodation and to access food and essential items. We know there are still more students out there who may be struggling. If you know of any students in this situation, please encourage them to contact our Student Services team who will be able to help.

Managing our research

I want to acknowledge the devasting impact this weather event has had on many of our researchers – and some for the second time. For many it may mean salvaging what they can and starting over again.

In the coming weeks, I will work with Executive Deans and Institute Directors to understand the extent of the damage and what support needs to be put in place to assist.

I would also like to remind our research staff that during the closure this week, access needs to be restricted to level 3 critical research only.

Events cancelled

A reminder, all events at UQ locations for this week are cancelled.

With more storms and flooding predicted for the remainder of the week, I encourage staff to stay up to date with the latest alerts from the Queensland Government, local councils and Bureau of Meteorology.

Remember, if you need support our Employee Assistance Program is available. I would also encourage you to reach out to your supervisor/manager or HR (

While the sun has been shining this morning, I do know that the next few days (and weeks) will be challenging as we start to understand the true impact of this extraordinary weather event. I also know that we are a strong and united community, and that together we can support each other through this.

We are looking at ways our UQ community can support the Mud Army 2.0 and we will share details of this with you in the coming days.

Stay safe.

With best wishes,

