Seeking your feedback: Email and Bulk Messaging Procedure

18 Jul 2022

Information Technology Services (ITS) has reviewed the Email and Bulk Messaging Procedure as part of our periodic review process, and we are seeking your feedback on the updated draft.

This procedure sets requirements around staff, student, and alumni email use, and defines a process for sending bulk messages to staff and students.

Here’s a summary of the key changes to the procedure:

  • Minor updates to requirements on email use to ensure content is up to date – we have added information on sensitivity labels and clarified details regarding email forwarding.
  • Added more information on bulk messaging to cover training, use of preferred name, proofing, contact lists, and segments.
  • Clarified scope – this procedure does not cover bulk messages to alumni, donors, or future students. A UQ communications framework is under development which will look at bulk communications with a wider scope. Once this framework is published, section 3.2 on bulk messaging will be rescinded.
  • Added more detail to roles and responsibilities.

Please email any feedback or queries regarding the updated Email and Bulk Messaging Procedure to Ellee McClymont by Friday 5 August.
