Site naming conventions

Following consistent naming conventions across the University will ensure it is easy for staff members to remember and quickly find the site they wish to access.

Site names

Follow these guidelines to set the names for each of the sites:

SiteSite name formatExample
HomeOrg unit acronym or name + “ intranet”
  • HASS intranet
  • Grad School intranet
  • Veterinary Science intranet
  • School of Music intranet
News and eventsOrg unit acronym or name + “ - News and events”
  • HASS - News and events
  • QBI - News and events
  • FBS - News and events
  • HSW - News and events
Information, services and supportOrg unit acronym or name + “ - Information, services and support”
  • HASS - Information, services and support
  • Grad School - Information, services and support
  • HSW - Information, services and support


  • if your org unit does not have a well-known acronym, use your full org unit name or a shortened version
  • use title case for the org unit name
  • use sentence case for the following: News and events, Information, services and support.

If the org unit intranet belongs to a school or faculty, Intranet coordinators:

  • may choose to remove the ‘School of' or 'Faculty of' prefix from the org unit name
  • if available, use a well-known acronym instead of the school or faculty’s full name (for example: SAFS intranet).

Site URLs

For all org unit intranets, the URLs for the three sites will follow these conventions:

  • Home -<OrgUnitAcronymOrName>-home
  • News and events -<OrgUnitAcronymOrName>-news
  • Information, services and support -<OrgUnitAcronymOrName>-iss

Page naming conventions

When a new page is created, SharePoint automatically saves a draft of the page using random alphanumeric characters. Intranet coordinators and editors must give the page an appropriate Title and Name (i.e. URL) prior to publishing the page.

Page title

The page title is added in the Title area of each page and appears at the top of the page after it is saved/published.

Use plain English and sentence case to create page titles (except when including a proper noun or an acronym) e.g. Induction procedures instead of Induction Procedures.

Page name

By default, SharePoint saves a new page using the text from the page Title and replacing all spaces with hyphens. Intranet coordinators and editors can choose to remove the extra hyphens.

Document naming conventions

Document file name

When naming your files (before you upload them):

  • use plain English and sentence case – except when using a proper noun or an acronym (e.g. use org-unit-strategic-plan, rather than Org Unit Strategic Plan)
  • don't include dates, version numbers or words such as 'final' or 'draft'
  • keep your file names short
  • replace spaces with hyphens
  • don’t use special characters.

Example: org-unit-strategic-plan.pdf

Document title

When a file is added/uploaded to a document library, Intranet coordinators and editors should also update the Title field in the document’s properties panel appropriately. This is important for two reasons:

  1. The Title field is an additional piece of metadata that will help others find your content. By filling it out, you are providing additional text and keywords that are searchable by SharePoint search.
  2. The Title field will be displayed in some web parts (including the Document library web part).

When editing the document’s Title field:

  • use plain English and sentence case – except when using a proper noun or an acronym
  • choose a title as meaningful as possible
  • unlike file names, you do not need to replace hyphens with spaces in a document’s title.

Example: Org unit strategic plan

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