When you set up a meeting in Outlook, you can see if other people are available and find and book an available room.

Different UQ departments may have access to different meeting rooms in Outlook.

If you can't find an available meeting room at your preferred day and time, you can ask your invitees to search in their area.

How to book a meeting room

To book a meeting room, follow the instructions below for the Outlook Web App, or for your operating system.

Outlook Web App

  1. Log in to the my.UQ dashboard and click 'Email'.
  2. Click the calendar icon in the left menu.
  3. Click 'New event'.
  4. Complete the following details:
    • Enter a title
    • Invite attendees
    • Choose a date and time, or click in the calendar in the right pane on a suitable time that works for everyone. You can also use the 'Scheduling Assistant'.
    • Search for a room or location. Rooms are in the format 'building number-room number' (e.g. 08-325), but some rooms are listed as room number (R), building number (B) and campus (e.g. R101 B38 STLUC). You can search for all rooms in a building if you type the building number only, e.g. 08.
    • Add a description or attach documents.
  5. Select 'Teams meeting' if you want to make it an online meeting or add the ability to call in if they can't attend in-person.
  6. Select 'In-person event' if you want invitees to attend in person.
  7. Click 'Send'.
  8. Some rooms will send an automated booking confirmation immediately. Some rooms are manually moderated by admin staff, who may take longer to reply.

Outlook for Windows

These instructions are for 'Classic' Outlook. If you are using the 'New' Outlook, follow the Outlook Web App steps on this page, as they are the same.

  1. In Outlook, click the calendar icon in the left menu.
  2. Click 'New Meeting'.
  3. Enter a title for your meeting.
  4. Complete the following details:
    • Title
    • Invite required and/or optional attendees
    • Choose a date and time
    • Location. Most rooms are listed in the form 'building number-room number' (e.g. 08-325), but some rooms are listed as room number (R), building number (B) and campus (e.g. R101 B38 STLUC). You can search for all rooms in a building if you type the building number only, e.g. 08.
    • Add a description.
  5. In the meeting request window, click ‘Scheduling Assistant’.
  6. Using the calendar, confirm the time and day is available for your invitees and the room. You can adjust the meeting time by using the 'Start time' and 'End time' fields or by clicking on the calendar.
  7. Go back to the ‘Meeting’ tab. Check the details of your meeting (title, invitees, room, time) are correct and click 'Send'.
  8. Some rooms will send an automated booking confirmation immediately. Some rooms are manually moderated by admin staff, who may take longer to reply.

Outlook for Mac

These instructions are for 'Classic' Outlook. If you are using the 'New' Outlook, follow the Outlook Web App steps on this page, as they are the same.

  1. In Outlook, click the calendar icon.
  2. Go to the 'Home' tab and click 'Meeting'.
  3. In the meeting request window, click 'Scheduling'.
  4. Invite people by typing their name in the 'Add New' box under 'All Attendees'.
  5. Click '+' next to 'Add Room'. Most rooms are listed in the form 'building number-room number' (e.g. 08-235), but some rooms are listed by room number (R), building number (B) and campus (e.g. R101 B38 STLUC). You can search for all rooms in a building if you type the building number only, e.g. 08.
  6. To check the availability of suitable rooms at a given time, select the room and then click the 'Rooms' button. Once you have a list of suitable rooms, click 'OK'.
  7. The rooms you selected should now be listed alongside your meeting invitees. Using the calendar, find a time and day when your invitees are available and a room is free. Set your meeting time by using the 'Start time' and 'End time' fields or by clicking on the calendar.
  8. If you selected more than 1 room, make sure you uncheck the box next to the rooms you no longer need.
  9. Go to the ‘Appointment’ tab. Check the details of your meeting (invitees, subject, room, time) are correct and click 'Send'.
  10. Some rooms will send an automated booking confirmation immediately. Some rooms are manually moderated by admin staff, who may take longer to reply.

Managing meeting rooms

You will need to be a room delegate to manage a meeting room in Outlook. Submit an IT request if you require access. Manager or existing room delegate approval must be submitted with your request.

Add room calendar

You can add rooms to your list of calendars to easily manage room bookings. Follow the instructions below for the Outlook Web App, or your operating system.

Outlook Web App

  1. On the Outlook Web App, click the calendar icon on the left menu.
  2. Click 'Add calendar'.
  3. Select 'Add from directory'.
  4. Select your account from the dropdown menu.
  5. Search for the room. Most rooms are listed in the form 'building number-room number' (e.g. 08-235), but some rooms are listed by room number (R), building number (B) and campus (e.g. R101 B38 STLUC). You can search for all rooms in a building if you type the building number only, e.g. 08.
  6. Select the room.
  7. Choose where to add the calendar to, then click 'Add'.
  8. A pop up will appear confirming the room has been added.
  9. The room will appear in your list of calendars in the left menu.

Outlook for Windows

These instructions are for 'Classic' Outlook. If you are using the 'New' Outlook, follow the Outlook Web App steps, as they are the same.

  1. In Outlook, click the calendar icon in the left menu.
  2. In the 'Home' tab, click 'Add Calendar' from the ribbon, then select 'From Room List...'
  3. Search for the room. Most rooms are listed in the form 'building number-room number' (e.g. 08-235), but some rooms are listed by room number (R), building number (B) and campus (e.g. R101 B38 STLUC). You can search for all rooms in a building if you type the building number only, e.g. 08.
  4. Double-click to select the room, then click 'OK'.
  5. The room will appear in your list of calendars in the left menu.

Outlook for Mac

These instructions are for 'Classic' Outlook. If you are using the 'New' Outlook, follow the Outlook Web App steps, as they are the same.

  1. In Outlook, click the calendar icon.
  2. Select ‘Open Shared Calendar’ from the 'Home' tab.
  3. Search for the calendar. Most rooms are listed in the form 'building number-room number' (e.g. 08-235), but some rooms are listed by room number (R), building number (B) and campus (e.g. R101 B38 STLUC). You can search for all rooms in a building if you type the building number only, e.g. 08.
  4. Click 'Open'.

Centrally controlled teaching rooms

Centrally controlled teaching rooms can't be booked through Outlook. Visit Bookable spaces at UQ to book a centrally controlled room.

UQ Book It

Rooms in the UQ Library and certain rooms and resources linked to your department can be booked through UQ Book It.

Learn more about booking rooms and resources with UQ Book It

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