Requesting a job classification
UQ uses a Job Architecture model whereby a position is assigned to an existing job profile which is based on the classification structure and job descriptors contained in the UQ Enterprise Agreement.
If a newly created position or the duties of an existing position have significantly changed and there is no existing populated job profile to which a position can be mapped, then the position will be evaluated and classified using an approved job evaluation methodology.
The job evaluation process determines the classification level of a position based upon the work value of the position, including the:
- training and experience required to perform the role
- complexity of task level
- level of responsibility
- decision-making
- autonomy required of the position.
Requesting a job evaluation
Before requesting for a reclassification, you must discuss your intentions to apply for a reclassification of your position with your supervisor.
Reclassification can be requested in the Requests application in Workday. Request should include the following information:
- completed Workday request questionnaire;
- current and revised position descriptions;
- identification of current and proposed job profiles; and
- current and revised organisational charts.
Please note, reclassification requests for a new and existing position will need to be requested via the Requests application in Workday.
Find more information, please contact Human Resources.
Can't find the answer?
Check the status of your requests and enquiries in my.UQ dashboard.