Here's what you can and can't submit under the 'Plumbing' problem type in ARCHIBUS.


This problem type includes:


  • For roof guttering, ring PF Assist on 3365 2222. Don't log a request online.

Hot water services (hot tap)

Leaking roofs

  • If the roof is leaking during a storm you can log a request, but there may be a delay.

Leaking taps



Toilet seats

  • P&F will replace a toilet seat like-for-like if broken.

Water leaks

Zip taps


This problem type does not include:

Blocked toilets and urinals:

  • Ring PF Assist on 3365 2222. Don't log a request online.
  • After hours call Security 3365 1234.


  • Ring PF Assist on 3365 2222. Don't log a request online.
  • After hours call Security 3365 1234.

Gas alarms, fittings or leaks. Select Gases.

Sewage leaks:

  • Ring PF Assist on 3365 2222. Don't log a request online.
  • After hours call Security 3365 1234.

Information required

When logging a service request, please provide the following information:

Blocked toilets and urinals:

  • Can the cistern be flushed?
  • Could the cistern be broken?
  • Is an alternative toilet available?

Hot water services (hot tap):

  • Is it heating water?
  • Is it leaking?

Leaking taps:

  • What is the specific location? (Draw on a floor plan, if possible)
  • How much water is leaking? Is the tap dripping or running?
  • Is it causing damage to property?
  • Is it a hot or cold tap?

Roof leaks:

  • What is the specific location? (Draw on a floor plan, if possible)


  • Describe the smell in detail.
  • Does it smell like paint, sewerage, gas or something else?

Toilet leaks:

  • Is it leaking onto floor?
  • Is it leaking into toilet pan?
  • Is it causing any damage?
  • Can the cistern be turned off at tap?
  • Is alternative toilet available?

Water leaks:

  • What is the specific location? (Draw on a floor plan, if possible)
  • Can you see where the leak coming from? (wall, floor or ceiling)
  • Is it likely to damage property?
  • Upload a photo, if possible. This can often provide valuable information.
  • How much water is leaking?
  • Is it a hot-water system?

Zip taps:

  • Do you know the make or model?
  • Is it located under a bench or is it wall mounted?
  • Is it leaking?
  • Is hot water coming from the tap?
  • Is there a digital error sign? Give details of any error.
  • Do the filters need replacing?

ARCHIBUS Technical Support