COVID-19 recommendations to help protect our community

19 Jul 2022

Dear staff,

As many of you will be aware, the number of COVID-19 infections is again on the rise across Queensland, with a peak expected in the next few weeks.

Today, I want to remind staff about the University’s arrangements and the responsibilities we all share for keeping ourselves and others safe. I also wanted to share with you the latest guidance from government.

Keep up to date with vaccinations

I strongly encourage staff who are eligible for a third and fourth dose to book them as soon as possible. Staying up to date with your vaccinations is the best way to protect yourself against severe illness and hospitalisation.

The University will support staff who need to take time off to get vaccinated, and you can find details about how to book your free vaccination from UQ Health Care and other vaccination options here.

Masks and physical distancing are encouraged

The advice from National Cabinet is to wear a mask when indoors and when in settings where physical distancing is not possible. The Queensland Government is also encouraging older and immunosuppressed people to wear a mask in crowded places until 31 August.

Where possible, staff should maintain physical distancing from others and, if physical distancing is not possible, I strongly encourage staff to wear a mask.

I would also remind staff that you are required to wear a mask when in a healthcare setting, including UQ Health Care, and when using public transport and rideshare, such as the UQ intercampus shuttle service.

Stay home if feeling unwell

If you are unwell, please stay at home and get tested. COVID-19 symptoms are varied, from respiratory to vomiting to headaches and fatigue. Cold and flu symptoms can be similar. If you test positive for COVID-19, please let your supervisor/manager know and discuss working arrangements until your isolation period is finished (a full 7 days) and symptoms have resolved.

Our COVID-19 website provides advice for staff who have tested positive or are a close contact and our COVID-19 Special Paid Leave is available for fixed-term and continuing staff who have exhausted their personal leave balance.

Additional safety measures

Other ongoing safety measures at UQ include regular indoor space ventilation audits. These have been happening for many months, with action to improve ventilation taken when needed. The results are available (as an Excel file download) on the staff website.

Hand sanitisers, P2(N95) respirators and rapid antigen tests (RATs) are provided in line with University guidelines, and supervisors/managers are encouraged to review local business continuity plans to accommodate the needs of vulnerable people, individuals and teams.

Our COVID-19 website will continue to be updated with the latest advice and resources.

Thank you everyone

I know many of you have been impacted personally by COVID or this year’s flu, and that teams across our locations are working hard to manage business continuity while colleagues are absent due to illness.

Thank you all for your efforts, and for your focus on your own safety and wellbeing in the coming weeks as well as looking out for those around you.

With best wishes
