Activism on campus: agreement reached with UQ Muslim Students for Palestine and UQU

1 Jun 2024

Dear staff,

I am writing to update our staff and students on the outcome of constructive discussions with representatives for UQ Muslim Students for Palestine and UQ Student Union (UQU).

Today, UQ Muslim Students for Palestine, UQU and the University have agreed to a Statement of Commitment that will see UQ Muslim Students for Palestine discontinue their participation in the encampment.

As part of the agreement and acknowledging the community’s sentiment for greater transparency, the University will publish a statement on its approach to sensitive research and, where possible, compile a list of its research and holdings in agreed areas as part of the University’s annual disclosures.

In addition, we are committed to building greater understanding and social cohesiveness within our community. To do this, we will draw on our academic capability and our diverse community to host a dedicated speaker series. This will form part of the work we will undertake to develop a university-wide Anti-racism Commitment.

We will also increase our support for students and academics impacted by humanitarian crises, by doubling our scholarships in this area and through our membership of the global Scholars at Risk network.

I want to sincerely thank the representatives from UQ Muslim Students for Palestine, Camp Shalom and UQU for sharing their valuable perspectives over the past few weeks. Their contributions have played a significant role in helping us progress towards an end to the encampments.

Most importantly, there is unanimous agreement that there is no place for racism and antisemitism at our University. Ensuring that everyone in our diverse community feels welcome, respected and safe is paramount as we move forward.

The University understands that not all protestors have agreed to end their encampment. We will continue to engage with these individuals, with the focus being on ensuring that student assessments and exams are not disrupted over the coming
2 weeks.

I know that the past few weeks have been difficult and divisive for many of our staff and students, with some feeling hurt and let down. I am hopeful that the work we have committed to undertake will help to rebuild unity among our staff and students.

With best wishes

