Community safety, Voice event dates, upcoming events

14 Aug 2023

Dear staff,

I would like to acknowledge the recent media and government commentary about the serious issue of sexual misconduct on university campuses and the need for the sector to do more.

Incidences referenced in The Sunday Mail show that while our focus has always been on supporting the individuals, their experiences tell us that more must be done.

I want to assure you that the University takes the issue of sexual misconduct very seriously. Over the past few years, we have made significant changes to raise awareness, educate and provide more trauma-informed support and reporting.

However, the prevalence of sexual violence in our society means that we must remain focused on reducing the risks and harm in our community. We must also ensure that we continuously assess and look for ways to improve the support and services available to our impacted staff and students.

We also need to care for our staff working in these areas, who are highly trained and experienced, to ensure that they too have the right support.

My commitment is to ensure that the work we are doing in this area will continue to improve the prevention and management of sexual misconduct affecting our community.

The Voice staff information sessions

New dates have been confirmed for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice referendum staff information sessions at our St Lucia, Herston and Gatton campuses. We have also added a second session at St Lucia focused on the legislative and constitutional processes of the referendum. Both the St Lucia events will be livestreamed. 

Look out for an email later today with event details and information about how to register.

Embracing our diversity

It has been very disappointing to hear of some instances at our St Lucia campus where our UQ values of respect and inclusivity have been tested. I do want to assure you that these instances are being taken extremely seriously, and that we are deeply committed to providing a safe, inclusive and empowering environment for our whole community, including our LGBTQIA+ colleagues and students.

Enterprise agreement update

The drafting of the new UQ Enterprise Agreement (EA), in consultation with the unions, has been progressing well over recent weeks. We are working towards sharing a draft with staff later this month, in advance of a formal staff vote in September.

Congratulations Emeritus Professor Geoff Playford

Warmest congratulations to one of Australia’s most eminent palynologists, Emeritus Professor Playford, who was recently awarded the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists’ prestigious Robert Etheridge Jr Medal for ‘outstanding lifetime contribution to Australasian palaeontology’. Throughout his career, Geoff has made a huge contribution and is recognised as a generous mentor to and collaborator with generations of aspiring geologists and palaeontologists. 

Building our engagement in South America

Last week, I was in Chile and Brazil on a Senior Executive Mission meeting with government, industry and university partners about broadening our collaborations in the region across a broad range of fields. I look forward to progressing these opportunities with colleagues over the next few weeks.

Among the many highlights of the trip was the opportunity to meet with the UQ team working at SMI’s International Centre of Excellence, based in Santiago, Chile. Saludos to every one of them – and gracias for all your hard work.

Looking ahead

On Saturday 19 August we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of TEDxUQ at St Lucia. The theme of this year’s event is ‘Small Ripples, Big Waves’, with 12 speakers presenting across 3 sessions. Tickets are limited and can be purchased here.

Our annual Gatton Open Day will be held this Sunday 20 August. It’s a very popular day for prospective students, their families and the local community to visit the campus, see behind the scenes and obtain a real understanding of the career opportunities in agriculture, agribusiness and vet sciences. 

Next week, 21–25 August, is Sustainability Week at UQ. There is a broad range of events and activities planned, including markets, workshops, film screenings, forums, tours, presentations, tree plantings and bird watching for staff to enjoy and get involved in.

With the Ekka opening on the weekend and glorious, sunny weather forecast for the week, I hope our staff based in Brisbane and the surrounding regions enjoy their respective public holidays.

I hope you have a great week.

With best wishes
