2022 UQ Awards for Excellence winners announced

2 Dec 2022

Dear staff,

Yesterday I attended the 2022 UQ Awards for Excellence ceremony at the UQ Centre to celebrate the many achievements and successes of our colleagues over the past year. It was a great privilege to host the ceremony and reflect on the incredible achievements of our colleagues in support of our UQ values.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit a nomination. This year, we received 119 nominations across the 7 categories, totalling 425 individuals being recognised. As a member of the Awards Selection Committee, it was inspiring to review the nominations and gain insight into the innovation, leadership and creativity demonstrated by our colleagues.

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and thanks to all nominees and my congratulations to this year’s winners:

Award for Excellence in Innovation


  • Emilyn Tan, Laboratory Manager and Quality Assurance, Protein Expression Facility
  • UQ Mobility as a Service Team


  • The RiPPLE Team

Award for Excellence in Service


  • Dr Hasan Hasan, Project Manager – Building Transition, School of Chemical Engineering


  • Dr Trish Murray, Senior Manager, Research Partnerships and Development, Faculty of Medicine
  • Dony Rodriguez, Student Support and Wellness Officer, T.C. Beirne School of Law
  • School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences Professional Staff Team
  • Patina at Alumni Court
  • School of Education Casual Academic Liaison Officers Team

Award for Excellence in Community


  • Anthropology Museum Team


  • UQ Pro Bono Centre

Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion


  • Dr Dino Willox, Director Student Employability, Student Affairs


  • Dr Victor Gallegos-Rejas, Casual Research Assistant and HDR Scholar, Centre for Health Services Research 

Award for Excellence in Mental and Physical Health, Safety and Wellness


  • Jennie Trinder, Deputy Director, Health, Safety and Wellness, Health, Safety and Wellness Division

  • Well-being, Engagement and Research Culture (WERC) Project


  • Associate Professor Judith Greer, Principal Research Fellow, UQ Centre for Clinical Research
  • Health, Safety and Wellness COVID-19 Response Team

Award for Excellence in Leadership


  • Associate Professor Paul Harpur, ARC Future Fellow, T.C. Beirne School of Law
  • Caroline Williams, University Librarian, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  • Early- and mid-career researchers (EMCR)@UQ Committee


  • Dr Jodi-Clyde Smith, Executive Director, Research Office, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
  • Chantel Veldhoen, Manager, Academic Administration, Faculty of Science

Award for Excellence in Reconciliation


  • Library Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Initiatives Team


  • Dr Steven Salisbury, Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences
  • Faculty of Business, Economics and Law Reconciliation Action Plan Implementation Group

Ally Award


  • James Fowler, Casual Senior Research Technician, Casual Academic and HDR Scholar, Public Health

The full list of winners and nominees is available on the 2022 UQ Awards for Excellence website. The video of yesterday’s ceremony will be loaded onto the Awards website in the coming days.

Once again, my warmest congratulations to our winners and nominees and thank you for the exceptional contribution you make to our UQ community.

With best wishes
