Updates on Enterprise Agreement, Christmas, flexible work policy and Pulse survey

16 Aug 2022

Dear staff,

Following on from the All Staff Forum in July, I wanted to provide an update on some of the topics we discussed, and reiterate our commitment to staff and our future outlook.

Commitment to staff

In the current economic environment, with cost-of-living, inflation and interest rate pressures, we absolutely understand the need for certainty about employment terms and conditions and sustainable wage increases for the coming years.

We are committed to finalising a new Enterprise Agreement (EA) as soon as possible and will continue to meet with employee representative groups regularly to ensure that these important negotiations move forward.

Until a new agreement is approved, we continue to operate under the terms of our previous EA, and you will recall there was a 2 per cent pay increase in January this year. All parties involved in the EA negotiations will want to provide some clarity on wages this year.

Planning for the Christmas break

It’s hard to believe we’re in Semester 2 already, which means it will be Christmas before we know it.

Christmas is traditionally a quieter time for the University and our staff, and we normally close UQ locations between Christmas and New Year. We are consulting with the Joint Consultative Committee about our proposed leave arrangements during the closure this year from 6pm on Friday 23 December 2022 and reopening on Tuesday 3 January 2023. This would give staff a 10-day break to recharge and enjoy time with family and friends.

If the proposal proceeds, staff would be asked to take leave on Wednesday 28 December, Thursday 29 December and Friday 30 December. We hope to have a decision on this by the end of August and will provide further information then.

Your feedback on revised Flexible Work Arrangement policy invited

Among the many shifts as a result of the pandemic, the ability to have more flexible working options while balancing productivity and a sense of connection has been a clear message from staff.

In response, a proposed revision to our flexible work policy is now available for your review and feedback. The draft policy outlines general principles underpinning the University’s approach to flexible work, as well as the entitlements for casual employees. It also provides greater clarity on roles, responsibilities and accountabilities. If you would like to contribute, consultation on the proposed policy is open until Friday 2 September.

Staff Pulse survey in late August

The annual staff Pulse survey is an opportunity for you to provide feedback on a range of workplace and team topics. The results directly inform our priorities to ensure a safe and connected workplace and a vibrant, valued and respectful community.

Following the 2021 survey, teams around the University developed bespoke response plans based on their results. Actions range from enhancing internal communication processes, taking more tangible steps towards Reconciliation, and implementing activities to create greater connection and cross-team collaboration. I thank everyone who has contributed ideas and targeted solutions.

From a whole-of-University perspective, we will use this year’s survey to better understand staff perceptions of poor behaviour and accountability through more targeted questions addressing this topic. Other areas of continued focus include closing the loop after consultation processes and upskilling leaders in change management.

When the survey is distributed in late August, I really encourage everyone to take five minutes to complete the questions.

Staff Thank You celebration

Towards the end of the year, we will again recognise the incredible work of our staff and your contribution to the broader community with Staff Thank You celebrations. I really enjoyed seeing so many of you last year, and I’m looking forward to this year’s events. An invitation will be sent in the coming weeks with confirmation of dates, times and locations.

With best wishes

